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Главная » 2008 » Август » 9 » ContrastMaster v1.0 Retail for Adobe Photoshop
ContrastMaster v1.0 Retail for Adobe Photoshop

ContrastMaster for Adobe Photoshop - плагин для графической программы Adobe Photoshop, предназначенный для эффективного повышения контраста изображений, с применением HDR-эффекта. Превращает обычные фотографии в красочные, яркие и динамичные картины. Плагин работает с десятками графических приложений, таких как Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements, Photoimpact и другими. Для ускоренного рендеринга, плагин поддерживает технологию HT (Hyper-threading), имеющуюся на многих современных процессорах.

Плагин предлагает три локальных и четыре глобальных метода контрастности, а также различные настройки насыщенности и яркости изображений. Три локальных метода позволяют значительно улучшить контрастность изображения в небольших деталях без повреждения изображения. Вы можете применить каждый из методов по-отдельности или смешать их вместе, для получения более высоких результатов.

ContrastMaster is a plugin for effective contrast enhancement as well as creating dramatic contrast looks, photorealistic paintings and HDR-like effects. It can turn low-contrast photos into vivid and detailed images and transforms ordinary photos into interesting and dynamic shots. ContrastMaster works with dozens of graphics applications including Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements, Photo-Paint, IrfanView and PhotoImpact under Windows. For accelerated rendering it supports hyperthreading as well as multiple processors and cores. ContrastMaster works with 8bit and 16bit RGB images.

ContrastMaster offers three local and four global contrast adjustment methods as well as various masking, saturation and brightness options. The three local adjustment methods allow you to dramatically improve contrast in small image details without blowing out highlights or damaging the image. You can apply these three methods separately or use various options to mix them together for even better results.

The four global methods (S/H-Contrast, Stretch, Equalize and Polarize) work on the tonal range of the image and help to improve the result even further. There is also an option for changing the brightness of the image. The masking options let you conveniently remove the ContrastMaster effect from an image area where you do not want to have it applied, e.g. skin areas, a blue sky or a wall. This can be done with the help of shadow/highlight and color masking options. Additionally, a saturation mask feature lets you improve saturation without oversaturating the image.

There is no other tool available that offers as many methods for contrast adjustment as ContrastMaster. ContrastMaster is not only more effective at squeezing image details and contrast out of photos than most other tools, it also offers more options for fine-tuning and controlling image contrast than any other tool. Additionally, the Adaptive Contrast method is not available in any other software. You can also use ContrastMaster to give a single photo the look of a HDR image while avoiding the overhead of HDR photography. With its masking options you often do not need to create selections or layer mask for selectively applying the ContrastMaster effect, which saves you a lot of time. ContrastMaster also offers special features that are not found in most other tools, e.g. spilt views, logged settings, 17 histogram types, own defaults, blown highlights detection, rendering time estimation, novice/expert modes, local presets and preview tab sheets.

OC: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Интерфейс: English

Размер: 1.91 MB

Скачать | Download ContrastMaster v1.0 Retail for Adobe Photoshop +

Категория: Программы по дизайну | Просмотров: 371 | Добавил: AVK | Рейтинг: /0

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