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Главная » 2008 » Июль » 8 » ArtRage Deluxe v2.5.20 DC032508
ArtRage Deluxe v2.5.20 DC032508

ArtRage® прикольная и лёгкая в использовании рисовалка под Windows. Вы можете создавать свои собственные рисунки из ничего. Просто вставить в программку свою фотку и вдохнуть в нее новую жизнь, размалевав карандашами, ручками и другими инструментами которые предлагает ArtRage!

ArtRage, the easy to use, stylish painting package that lets you get painting from the moment you open it up. You can paint with oils, sketch with pencils, sprinkle glitter, and more. You can paint with gold leaf, silver foil, and other metallic colors. You can even load in your photos as Tracing Images to help you recreate them as paintings.

For the professional user, ArtRage also offers multiple Layers for painting, and layered PSD document import and export so you can easily use it alongside your existing tools.

• Reworked the Palette Knife to improve smearing and blending quality.
• Added a \Dry Brush\ function. When you take the Oil Brush Loading to 0% the brush applies no paint, you can use it to blend existing paint as if it was clean.
• Added a \Quick Mirror\ function that allows you to do a quick \mirror check\ of your painting. Holding down the H key flips your painting horizontally, holding down the V key flips it vertically. When you release the key, the painting returns to its normal orientation. This function is for people who like to be able to do mirror checks of their work to check for structural problems.
• You can now change the background colour used by ArtRage. If your canvas is smaller than the ArtRage window, select the colour you want and Alt/Option-Click the background. The default colour is white.
• Added the name of your current painting to the titlebar of the ArtRage window.
• The Spacebar can now be used to move the canvas. Hold the spacebar down and left click/drag to move the canvas. When you release the spacebar, your selected tool will work again. To rotate the canvas, hold down the spacebar then the Alt/Option key and left click/drag the canvas.
• Changed how ArtRage stores its registration and user preference information so that multiple user accounts on one machine will have easier access to the application.
• Added the ability to \oversize\ tools. When you single click the tool size preview you are prompted to enter a percentage value for the tool size. You can now manually enter sizes up to 500%. You can stil only use the standard size preview slide functionality to reach 100%, but some users had requested larger tools. Please note, you may experience some unusual behaviour in tools over 100%, we do not suggest using this feature unless you are working on extremely large documents

Other Features:
Metallic paint still blends with normal paint, and smears and smudges just as easily. Thin metal coating can be applied to any texture using the airbrush, or you can build up thick metal lumps using the Tube tool and Oil Brush to add more depth to your metallic image.

ArtRage 2® has many more features, including the following:
• Layers: Paint on transparent layers to build up more complex images without the paint blending with your underlying work. The texture of the underlying paint will still show through, as if it were dry on your canvas. ArtRage also provides full support for all 23 Photoshop layer blend modes.
• PSD Support: Import and export PSD files, with their layers intact.
• Custom Colours: Load and save custom colour set and colour pickers to fine tune your colour work.
• Crop and Resize: Crop and resize your paintings during work.
• Simple, Intuitive Interface: The ArtRage interface is easy to understand and doesn’t get in the way of your work. In fact, it even gets out of the way while you’re painting...
• Customisable Canvases: Change the grain, colour, and even metallic nature of your canvas at any time during your work.
• Canvas Positioning: Move, Scale, and Rotate the canvas to your preferred angle.
• Tablet Support: ArtRage uses your tablet’s pressure and tilt support where available.
• Tool Cursors: Every tool has a cursor that tells you exactly how big the tool head is, to make it easier to see what’s going to be applied.
• Multi-Monitor Support: ArtRage supports multi-monitor systems.

ArtRage 2.5® Starter and Full Editions require the following system specifications:
Windows®: Windows Vista, XP, 2k, or Tablet PC. 800mhz processor or faster, and 256 megabytes of RAM.
Macintosh: Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or later. G4 processor or faster, and 256 megabytes of RAM.

Размер: 42.90 MB

Скачать | Download ArtRage Deluxe v2.5.20 DC032508 + + +

Категория: Программы по дизайну | Просмотров: 426 | Добавил: AVK | Рейтинг: /1

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